Taking vitamins and being present

Este mensaje lo recibimos este dia 26 de Enero durante el desayuno. El deseo es de pasar los mensajes tan rapidamente como vengan. Asi que necesito tiempo para hacer la traduccion en espanol.

Pero aca va la transcripcion hecha por mi esposo, en Ingles para quienes puedan leerlo.

Question on the need to take vitamin supplements.

Why can’t we get all we need from our food?

The brain and the tummy work together to give signals to us – our tummy gives messages to the brain that acts like a barometer: our “gut feelings”. Scientists are starting the understand the tummy contains neurons and they will find the memory of the brain is in the gut. The tummy is the first place to get nutrition through the umbilical cord when the baby is forming – so everything starts in the tummy for humans.

Gut bacteria

Gut bacteria are a vital part of human nutrition. Organs remove waste from what is consumed, and what is left, before entering the gut, faces a wall of organisms, the gut bacteria, that let in the nutrients. What is left is eliminated as waste.


Nutrition starts with where and how food is grown. Consider a farmer that is angry or unhappy; this energy will affect the energy of the food that person grows. The farmer is nurturing living organisms; what they think and feel affects all life around them. In your world, food moves through many chains from the farmer, the wholesaler, the distributor and the shopkeeper – there can be 4 or 5 chains or energetic linkages the food passes through. The energy of each of these links affects the food that is consumed.


You could plant seeds and grow food if you want the certainty of the food chain. You bless the soil the food grows in and bless the growing crops. Blessing means that you make the most of what you have; it means you will not neglect what you have and fulfil the intention of all – to fulfil your relationship with other living organisms. Humans are connected with the elements, and what you feel affects all living things around you. Blessing is to do with grace and love.


The need to take supplements is to fill in what is missing in food through the chains that food passes through before it is consumed. For example, eggs may have four of five chains they pass through before they are eaten. Those who feel they need to heal may choose to live on the land and grow their own food so the food chain is first-generation and not affected by the energy of other chains.

Vitamins complement what is being missed in the food. For example, if chemicals are used to grow food faster or make it greener, it will affect the food and the gut. The gut is critical to your well-being and your feeling of well-being.

Being Present

Also critical to well-being is being present. Meditation or mindfulness training will assist in being present. Practice entering a room, being fully present, not thinking about what others may think of you or what might be said, but being fully aware of the moment. Don’t enter with worries or concerns – that means you are not present but are somewhere else. Enter being fully present and noticing what is happening around you.


Holiness or calling someone holy is not about having a special spiritual connection, but because they come fully present or “whole”. When people are in the presence of one who is fully present, they feel that energy and want to be part of it or become like it. Being present must be practised until it becomes part of you, just like driving a car comes naturally without thinking.

All humans are perfect and are passing through phases of change that are perfectly created for that moment and their experience.


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